Kempston Rural

  1. For Parents
  2. School Uniform

School Uniform

Our school uniform requirements, in line with government recommendations, have been selected to ensure they are accessible and affordable.  

Please order from


There are some items you can order on at reduced prices. If you are new to the school, then a welcome message will be sent to you.

Winter Uniform - September to the Easter break

Grey trousers or Tartan Skirt

White polo shirt

Green knitted school jumper with school logo in house colour

Grey or white socks or knitted tights in green or grey

Sensible black shoes (no boots or trainers)


Summer Uniform – Easter break until the end of the summer term

Grey trousers or shorts

Tartan skirt or checked gingham dress in house colour

White polo shirt

Green knitted school jumper with school logo in house colour

Grey or white socks

Sensible black shoes or enclosed sandals not trainers



School black & emerald short sleeved sports shirt

Plain black shorts/skorts or plain black joggers

Reception only Plain white T-shirt

For outdoor PE when required Plain black tracksuit.

KS1 – Black plimsolls (not required in Reception in September)

KS 2 - Trainers



Green PE bags and book bags. There is also a green rucksack available for older children.


Hair below shoulder length must be tied or plaited back, for reasons of safety and hygiene. It should be noted that the school does not accept highly fashionable or extreme haircuts. Cuts must not be shorter than a number 2. 'Cut-in' designs are not permitted. Dyed hair is not permitted.

If you are in any doubt regarding the validity of a hairstyle, please contact the school. We appreciate your assistance in maintaining the high standards of dress and personal appearance of the pupils at Kempston Rural Primary School. 



Is not permitted except for religious reasons. Wrist watches and ear studs are the only exceptions. Iwatches are not to be worn in school. Earrings, watches or jewellery must be removed for PE & games lessons.


All items of clothing and P.E. kit must be named.