Kempston Rural

  1. Pupil Voice


Pupil Voice


At Kempston Rural children are actively encouraged to be involved within the community of the school.  The school has set up and manages successfully a School Council, Eco Committee and School Buddies.

School Council members are elected by their class, they encourage their class to suggest ideas on how to improve and make a difference to the school.  They also give ideas on fundraising not only for the school but the school we sponsor in Swaziland.  We were runners up in ‘The School Council Speakers Award’.

School Council:

Year 1: Natalia and Holly

Year 2: Isla and Anaya

Year 3: Oliver and Vincent

Year 4: Naya and Raveena

Year 5: Millie

Year 6: Daniel

Click on this link to read minutes from the newly elected school council meeting.

Minutes 10th October 2017

Minutes 31st October 2017

Minutes 14th November 2017

Minutes  28th November 2017

Minutes  9th January 2018

Minutes  23rd January 2018

Minutes  6th February 2018

Minutes 19th February 2018

Minutes 6th March 2018

Minutes 27th March 2018

Minutes 24th April 2018

Minutes 8th May 2018

Eco Committee members are elected by their class, they encourage their class to be ‘eco friendly’ this is achieved by recycling  waste in the correct rubbish bins, turning lights off in the classrooms to save energy and keeping the school and surrounding areas litter free.

We now hold the ‘Total Green School Awards’, Totally Clued Up, Totally Active and Totally creative.

Eco Committee:

Year 1: Violet and Jasper

Year 2: Jessica and Mikey  

Year 3: Ebony 

Year 4: Alfie and Elijah

Year 5: Freddie  

Year 6: 


School Buddies are chosen by their teachers, they help children form friendships within the school.  They work as a team to improve playtime, whether by listening or talking to the children, finding them someone to play with at playtimes.

School Buddies:

Year 2: 

Year 4: 

Year 5:


Potato Growing:

The Eco-Committee have grown their own potatoes. Fantastic work!!